Passion. Experience. Integrity.

Welcome & Greetings!

I’m Daniel, a #web & #tech enthusiast focused on #digitaltransformation, #technology, and #resilience leveraging my experience to help shape responsible organizations and safer communities.



[ Digital // WEB ] ALCHIMIST

As a digital alchemist I seek to combine the best of #technology, #humans and nature to transform and manifest digital elements and ideas into purposeful solutions, products, or experiences.




I provide guidance, develop strategies, and assist in the implementation of online and offline security measures to improve the security of individuals, organizations & communities.




I pass on the spirit and the heritage of #martialarts in a lineage of #peacefulwarrriors to inspire people to believe in themselves and become the best version of themselves.


My #tech journey began as a kid with #Atari, #Sega, and #Nintendo Consoles and got more serious in the late ’80s as a #Commodore Coach & Open-Source Contributor, sparking a lasting passion for projects with a purpose and collaborative problem-solving. In the 2000s, I led a startup bridging ICT & web innovations, humbled by the opportunity to explore emerging #web technologies. Since 2010, I mainly consult and manage [digital] transformation projects, aiming to empower through technology.

Resilience (and my passion for #martialarts / 詠春) has been my guiding light and constant throughout, helping me navigate challenges and embrace continuous change.

Let’s connect and explore new possibilities together! Grateful for any collaboration or learning opportunities.

Latest Publications, Events & Projects:

EVENT: Convergence of digital & physical security

NOVEMBER 2023 (NAIROBI / KENYA): Integrating physical and digital security measures offers several benefits that enhance overall security effectiveness and provide a more comprehensive approach to protecting assets and mitigating risks.

MOVIE STERO – WORLD PREMIERE AT THE International Film festival Rotterdam 1567 870 Daniel

MOVIE STERO – WORLD PREMIERE AT THE International Film festival Rotterdam

JULY 2023 (NAIROBI / KENYA): World Premiere – International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) Bruce Koech, a lone ranger with the heart of a warrior, accepts a mission from his imaginary Sensei – to be a badass hero. In school, Koech is forced to wear the disk – an ugly bone after speaking Kiswahili contrary to…

Safeguarding Your Private Security online: Navigating Social Media 150 150 Daniel

Safeguarding Your Private Security online: Navigating Social Media

The pervasive influence of social media has revolutionized the way we connect, communicate, and share our lives. However, amidst the excitement of these virtual interactions lies a critical concern: the potential compromise of our private security. What might seem like harmless updates or posts can inadvertently expose sensitive information, leaving us vulnerable to a range…

Some ideas to start using technology more mindful (again) 1024 1024 Daniel

Some ideas to start using technology more mindful (again)

Digital technology is an important part of modern life. In our increasingly connected worlds, it is critical that you remind yourself that technology should make your life easier by maximizing value focusing on purpose while avoiding common negative consequences associated with technology misuse, overuse, and abuse. Almost anyone can benefit from practicing more mindful technology use. It’s challenging…

Reminder (to myself): don’t give up (on changing habits) 828 828 Daniel

Reminder (to myself): don’t give up (on changing habits)

When you´re going through and/or working on a lifestyle transformation by continuously evaluating and changing your habits, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by thinking about the weeks and months ahead. Don’t do that to yourself! Every journey starts with the first steps, therefore always try to focus on the present moment, and let the compounding…

Start to declutter your life by getting rid of the old to make room for the new 1024 1024 Daniel

Start to declutter your life by getting rid of the old to make room for the new

Once in a while, I feel overwhelmed and continuously drained. For me, these times and moments make me realize again, that I am carrying (again) a lot of clutter and I realize, that it is again time to start to declutter my life by remembering to wind down and do less while evaluating my life…
